
A Decentralized Autonomous Organization in the making.

Mall 108

  • 9 Malls
  • 972 Stores
  • 972 Artist Tokens
  • 11664 User Tokens

Life Paper

Read the life paper to learn more about Mall 108.

How do we achieve?
By building on the technology.
Why choose DAO?
Because DAO operates using smart contracts.
When is the time?
The time is now as we are nearing a tipping point in terms of digital culture and virtual currency.

Pitch Deck

Watch the Pitch Deck presentation to learn more.

An innovative business that promotes the works of Artists across social media platforms.
Retain ownership of their work and claim future resale royalties with the help of Blockchain technology.
Allows every token holder to earn unlimited income by promoting the community.
A Community Where

Like-minded individuals collaborate to create a flourishing and self-sustaining eco system.

Retain ownership of the work and claim future resale royalties with the help of Blockchain technology.

Get Involved

Mall108 DAO

A community where members help empower creators and artists to achieve the stardom they deserve and the financial reward they merit.

Community Token
Learn about it by clicking here.
Artist Token
Learn about it by clicking here.
Learn about it by clicking here.
Join Mall108

Get Started in Minutes

Create an Account
from anywhere in the world
Connect Wallet
to buy and sell NFTs
Earn limitless income
inspire and be great ancestors.
White Paper

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